
squirt gun

Book Title and Author

Brief Description

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The descriptions that begin with an *'s are one I do not have in my collection yet. But hope to someday.

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OOP A Perfect Spring
BY: Lark Carrier
Although the abandoned egg picked up and hatched by Mr. And Mrs. Seabird yields a turtle unlike the baby bird from their own egg, the lessons they have to impart seem to apply to both young creatures equally.
A Summertime Song
BY:Irene Haas
Lucy attends a magical birthday party and finds the doll her grandmother loved and lost when she was a girl.
  Ananse's Feast - An Ashanti Tale
BY: Tololwa M. Mollel
*Unwilling to share his feast, Anase the spider tricks Akye the turtle so that he can eat all the food himself, but Akye finds a way to get even.
And Still The Turtle Watched
By:Sheila Macgill-Callahan
A turtle carved in rock on a bluff over a river by Indians long ago, watches with sadness the changes man brings over the years.
Animal World The Turtle
BY: Rourke Enterprises
Describes the natural environment, physical characteristics, and behavior of turtles emphasizing the life of the green turtle of Brazil which migrates to Ascension Island to lay its eggs.
Box Turtle At Long Pond
BY: William T. George
On a busy day at Long Pond, Box Turtle searches for food, basks in the sun, and escapes a raccoon.
Clovis Crawfish and Bidon Box Turtle (The Clovis Crawfish Series)
BY: Mary Alice Fontenot
*Clovis Crawfish and his French-speaking animal friends help a box turtle cross the bayou.
  Coyote and Little Turtle; A Traditional Hopi Tale
BY: Hershel Talashoema
Don't Kiss Your Turtle Goodbye!
Eleven Turtle Tales : Adventure Tales from Around the World (American Storytelling)
BY: Pleasant Despain
*Selected especially for retelling, their cultural variety, and the array of roles Turtle plays--from trickster to advisor--these folktales illustrate the "many masks Turtle so effortlessly wears." Included are tales from Africa, Japan, India, the Americas, and an ancient Aboriginal story.
Esio Trot
BY: Roald Dahl
Shy Mr. Hoppy devise a plan to win the heart of his true love by teaching her a spell to make her tortoise grow bigger.
OOP Fast Friends
BY: James Stevenson
Murray the turtle and Fred the snail are good friends. Usually they are slow friends. Today they are FAST friends. 2 funny stories included.
  Fisherman and the Grateful Turtle (Japanese Fairy Tale Series : No. 3)
BY: Essei Okawa
OOP Flip And Flap
BY: Gerald Hawksley
A first picture story book.
OOP Flippity Floppity A Bunny Nap Book
BY:Stephen Cosgrove
This pre-naptime story will encourage tired children as well as bunnies to rest after a morning of play. (ages 3 - 5)
Franklin Goes To School
BY: Paulette Bourgeois
On the first day of school, Franklin is a little nervous. But his teacher, Mr. Owl, knows just what to do; And Franklin has a wonderful day!
Franklin In The Dark
BY: Paulette Bourgeois
Franklin is afraid of small, dark places. This is a real problem because Franklin is a turtle. And he is afraid of crawling into his small, dark shell. What will Franklin do?
Full Moon Stories : Thirteen Native American Legends
BY: Eagle Walking Turtle
*Grandpa Iron tells thirteen stories, one for each full moon of the year, that convey some of the traditions and beliefs of Native Americans, particularly his Arapaho people.
Happy Birthday, Dear Duck
BY: Eve Bunting
Duck's birthday gifts from his animal friends are wonderful but cannot be used away from the water, a problem eventually solved by the arrival of his last gift.
How Honu theTurtle Got His Shell
BY: Casey A. McGuire-Turcotte
Relates how Honu, a daring Hawaiian sea turtle, becomes the first turtle to have a shell.
OOP How To Talk To Your Computer
BY: Seymour Simon
Ages 5-9. Uses Logo and BASIC to illustrate a description of home computer programs and languages.
How Turtle's Back Was Cracked
BY: Gayle Ross
A traditional Cherokee tale: Turtle's shell is cracked when the wolves plot to stop his boastful ways.
Minn Of The Mississippi
BY: Holling Clancy Holling
OOP Mr Monkey And The Gotcha Bird
BY: Walter Dean Myers
Captured by the Gotcha Bird one day when he is walking around with his nose in the air thinking he is big stuff, Monkey does some fast thinking to keep from being eaten.
Now I Know Turtles
BY: Janet Craig
Brief text and pictures introduce the turtle, the animal that carries its home on its back.
OOP Old Tortoise And Baboon
BY: Wesley Porter
An old tortoise devises a plan to square things with a baboon who has tricked him. -- African folk legend
Old Turtle
BY: Douglas Wood
An enchanting fable for children and adults, promotes a deeper understanding of the earth and our relationship with all the beings who inhabit it.
Rabbit Makes A Monkey Of Lion
BY: Verna Aardema
Africa folklore: With the help of her friends Bush-rat and Turtle, smart and nimble Rabbit makes a fool out of the mighty but slow-witted king of the forest.
Search For The Great Turtle Mother
BY: Jack Rudloe
*A rotating rock that exercises a directing force over the migration of sea turtles is the legendary Turtle Mother of Rudloe's quest. Recounts by Central American coastal inhabitants, fishermen, and academicians explain that Turtle Mother folklore provided a conservation ethic that guided early inhabitants to harvest turtles at a sustainable rate in contrast with current destructive practices.
OOP Sister Yessa's Story
BY: Karen Greenfield
Dark clouds gather a Yessa walks to her brother's place, telling a story as she goes about the early days of the earth; and the animals follow her two by two to listen.
Surprise Party
BY: Sharon Gordon
A surprise party is given for Kate.
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Page Updated: September 18, 1999